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What is the Opening Song of Trese on Netflix

Have you ever wondered WHAT IS THE OPENING SONG OF TRESE ON NETFLIX? What kind of song was it? Who performed it? Well, read on and you will be surprised.

Trese Opening Song Netflix

Upon hearing this song, I easily recognized it as some kind of chant.  I actually thought that it is from a faith healer song that is used to cure people but I was wrong.  The song is actually called 'Balluha'd Bayau' a 'hudhud' or a culture song of Ifugaos. 

What is Hudhud and the Possible Original Source of the Song

The Hudhud consists of narrative chants traditionally performed by the Ifugao community, which is well known for its rice terraces extending over the highlands of the northern island of the Philippine archipelago. It is practiced during the rice sowing season, at harvest time, and at funeral wakes and rituals.

Here is a video of Ifugao's singing this chant.

One famous Hudhud is Hudhud Ni Aliguyon or the Harvest Chant of Aliguyon. Aliguyon is also a famous Filipino epic that came from the Ifugao province of Luzon, Philippines.

Truly the Netlix anime series Trese presents a view of the cultural richness of the Philippines and the Filipinos.

For our review of Trese on Netflix click this link.

David 'Master Pogi' D'Angelo
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